Twitter is that internet platform that allows everyone to express their feelings, idea, and view about a particular event, personality, or News. It might not make the top 5 on the list of the most-used social media, but it remains the best place to get top-notch News and catch up on trending events across the globe. Unlike Google, People consult Twitter to get first-hand information from their favorite celebrities or influencers.

It’s the only social media where top government officials and great investors post their views about what’s going on in the world of government and businesses. Because of its facility to make things trend, many news channels and influencers use Twitter to grow their audiences. In this blog, we will see Top 5 Twitter influencers to follow for accurate News, quick updates, and trendy events.

CNN (56.2million followers)

The official CNN account is one of the most followed on Twitter. The multinational news channel company is based in Atlanta in the United States. And has a registered TV channel to broadcast News of events happening across the globe. With this account, they have been able to cover more ground and serve millions of people in different parts of the world with timely and accurate News.

Aside from News, they tweet research findings, sports events, and climate reports. CNN tweets are usually headlines of News with an image. The image is usually linked to a page on their website, where you can read the details of the News. Unlike TV broadcasting, they can get feedback and know people’s reactions to their content.

If you want to be current about the things happening in all continents, follow CNN on Twitter. They do it better than others. Also, you will enjoy the comments on their tweets.

Elon Musk (73.7 million followers)

Elon Musk is one of the 21st-century intelligent investors and leaders. He’s famously known for his interest in inventions, electric cars, hyperloop transportation, and space engineering. Presently, he’s the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors. His achievements and undying interest in technology got him many followers on the social media platform. And people love his tweets because he’s direct and always confident about his ideas and beliefs.

Elon Musk’s followers increased rapidly on Twitter when his net-worth skyrocketed during the pandemic, which later placed him in the leading position for the world’s richest men. His impacts on the Cryptocurrency market in the past year show that he’s an influential personality in this present generation. Moreover, he’s one of the major contenders for Mars colonization and neural link technology.

If you are tech-savvy or would love to have a business mentor or role model, Elon Musk’s tips and advice could be of help. He’s a true inspiration to the younger generation.

Kim Kardashian (71.2 million followers)

Our list of top five influencers is not complete without a beauty and modeling niche person. No other person could fit into this list better than Kim Kardashian. She’s a television reality superstar and one of the members of the prominent Kardashian family. Another thing that bought her fame was her marriage to Kanye West, a musician, and billionaire. She’s one of the very few influencers that has graduated to the position of owning their brands. Kim founded KKW Beauty and KKW Fragrance in 2017.

As a model and a TV star, she has millions of followers across all social media platforms. Twitter is one of the social networks where she grows her followers with clothes, make-up, and beauty-related content. Kim is a role model to many people in the modeling industry. She’s hardworking and, at the same time, committed to the raising of her children.

Following her tweets on Twitter will provide you with lots of fashion ideas. You will also learn the ways of celebrities and how to grow your own business as a woman.

Ellen DeGeneres (77.6 million followers)

This list has featured TV channels, businesspeople, and a model, and it’s now time for us to introduce our entertainment influencer of the year, Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen is a television host, actress, author, and comedian. For many years, she has been the face of one of the most entertaining shows in America, the ellen show. On the show, she usually talks about social media trends and celebrities.

Ellen DeGeneres has made friends with lots of movie stars and musicians, and in every episode, she interviews them about their life, career, family, or vacation trip they just made. She’s also a Philanthropist who provides financial assistance to support dreams, goals, and even the less privileged in society. Ellen DeGeneres is a funny person, and she always put that element in her shows. You will probably laugh throughout her time on TV.

On her Twitter account, she usually shares videos and summaries of the special moments of her shows. It’s always entertaining, educative, and motivational. Ellen DeGeneres should be your go-to influencer if you love to be current about the world of celebrities and internet trends.

Barack Obama (130 million followers)

Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States of America. He’s also a politician, lawyer, and author. As one of the most-loved American presidents, he gained millions of followers during his eight-year tenure. Also, he has represented the state of Illinois two times as a senator. Therefore, it’s not shocking to have such an amazing personality as the most followed person on Twitter.

During his Presidency, he used the account to communicate to the United States citizens and hear their feedback. However, since his tenure, his contents have been mostly about his foundation. The Obama Foundation is a non-profit organization that oversees the Obama movements and scholarship programs. The former president also uses the account to remind Americans about their past heroes and unforgettable events in the country. Lastly, he uses the account to appreciate people, especially his family.


Twitter is a great social media. Many rumors and News flow on the social platform, but you can choose what to see by following people you love and whose views align with yours. You can make your time worthwhile on the platform by following the five influencers before mentioned in this article.

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