All businesses can benefit from the Google Pay-per-click campaign. Even online retailers can use this advertising method to attract more buyers and gain more sales.

The Pay-per-click model is a type of advertising in which retailers promote their goods on Google search engine result pages (SERPs) and pay a token whenever a person clicks it. It allows businesses to leverage the high number of researchers on Google and use it.

Google ads are not a new invention. It’s been around for a long time, and many retailers are already using it to make massive profits. You can also be one of them regardless of the products or goods you’re selling by joining the Google PPC campaign.

This blog explains seven tips for attaining an exceptional PPC campaign management level. If you’re a retailer and currently run Google ads for your product, this is your chance to scale your business.

Setup conversion tracking

Before making changes, you want to set up conversion tracking to note subsequent results. This can be done on the conversion page of your Google ads admin panel. It will help you track sales and leads from your website and mobile app. Also, it will give insights into how people are reacting to your ads and adverts.

At the end of a set period, you can review your strategy by analyzing the data collected by conversion tracking. The data will show the most converting pages and those that need some editing. It will give you a clue about what’s working and what’s not.

Add new keywords to your campaign

Another good recommendation for improving your Google ads performance is to add new keywords. Keywords are words or phrases tracked by the Google algorithm when populating results for search queries. It’s one of the vital factors considered by Google when ranking pages in the Search engine result pages.

The campaign’s success greatly depends on the strength of the chosen keywords. The right keywords will increase your marketing reach and attract the right audience. Therefore, retailers must find and add the right keywords to optimize their Google ads campaign.

Although, there are always suggestions in the recommendation area. The retailers should go the extra mile to test these keywords or even consult a digital marketing professional. The rule of thumb is that retailers should be more specific. If you’re dealing in baby clothing, ensure that your keyword is not the same as those in the adult clothing business.

Add new negative keywords

With Google ads, retailers and ecommerce stores have controls over what search terms their ads are ranked for. It’s unhelpful when your ads rank for irrelevant search queries. It will do your campaign no good. Therefore, retailers need to update their negative keywords to arrest the occurrence regularly.

Negative keywords can be identified by their generic nature. They don’t usually contain the brand name of the company.

You can get suggestions in the search items reports. And just beside each search query, you can select and add to the negative keyword list.

Use ads extensions

Retailers can make their ads campaign more robust and informative by using ad extensions. In this advertising game, retailers that provide the most information usually win.

Google has about 11 extensions for any business that would love to improve their campaign with additional information aside from the basic requirements.

The link extension is a good recommendation for retailers. You can use this to direct Google users to other product categories on your website. Retailers can also use the app extension to add their shopping app so that buyers can download it and interact faster with your business.

The location ad extension is another good tool for retailers. You can add your mortal and brick store location to your store with it. Some people prefer to shop physically,

Update your bid strategy

The bid strategy is another prominent tool at your disposal. You can use it to convey the goal of your ad campaign to Google. Perhaps, you noticed that your ads generated more traffic over some weeks. It could be because it’s set to default maximum click.

Google will notify you step up to maximize conversions or change to smart bidding with time. However, like other recommendations, it may not be the right next move for your business. Therefore, discuss it with a digital marketing expert to switch to the recommended bid strategy.

On this note, retailers should regularly check the recommended page for tips. Google usually drops helpful information on the page.

Launch product ads

As a retailer, you can further optimize your PPC campaign by leveraging the shopping ads. The shopping ads will allow you to submit all your product feed to Google so that your products are also ranked in the SERP’s shopping tab.

But firstly, you need to register on Google merchant center to benefit from this opportunity. Then you can proceed to upload your product feed. You can do it using any available solutions, but the fastest is the website scan option.

Then, you’ll finalize the process by linking your Google merchant account to your Google ads account. You can now start creating ads for your products when all is done.

Check quality score

The last tip deals with monitoring your keyword performances. Google search engine marketing provides retailers a list that shows keywords performances under three categories: expected click-through rate, landing page experience, and ad relevance.

An aggregate of the three scores gives the quality score between 1 and 10. Improving these scores will tremendously enhance the converting power of your Google ads campaign.


The tips given are tested and approved. Strict adherence to them will take your campaign to an exceptional level beyond your imagination. And if you want the most excellent result, you can hire Premlall Consulting to set up and manage your PPC campaign.

We’ll ensure that your campaign is correctly set up and designed for massive sales conversions. Contact us for a consultation today!