In the chapter before this, we take you through the steps to perform your first hypothesis test. And we hope you’re currently running your first test and feeling excited as you await the result. But while you wait, you can use this period to develop your conversion rate optimization skills and increase your knowledge of the subject.

In this chapter, I’ll teach things you can do while expecting your test results. Many skip this part because it’s not directly tied to their conversion rate optimization activities. However, it would help to engage in these activities to learn more about conversion rate optimization. Let’s get to it

Follow CRO content creators

You must have learned a lot from us since the beginning of the series, but even now, you only possess a fair knowledge of the subject. There are influencers and content creators with vast experience in this field that can teach you new strategies and ideas about conversion rate optimization. And all you need to do is to follow them on social platforms and be their audience.

One of these people is Oli Gardner, a co-founder of Unbounce. He’s a lover of data-driven marketing strategies, and his experience in the field is second to none. Oli currently uses his blog to train businesses on how to attain a remarkable website conversion rate. You can learn a lot from him.

Another like him is Brian Massey. Brian is the founder of Conversion sciences and the author of Customer Creation Equation. He has been a programmer and website designer for many years and believes that websites need the science of conversion to become successful businesses. Briann is a proud conversion scientist and shares the knowledge he’s garnered over the past twenty years on his blog.

Other prominent content creators include Joanne Wiebe, Peep Laja, and Micheal Aagard. You can also subscribe to conversion platform newsletters. Hotjar, Kissmetrics, HubSpot, and VWO are leading web conversion platforms, and they all offer helpful tips to boost your website conversion rate.

Attend Conversion Rate Optimization Events and Seminars

You should make it a compulsion to attend conversion rate optimization events and seminars, not just when you’re running a test but every time. At least one of your CRO team members should represent your business at every conversion optimization event. These seminars are always packed with optimization tips.

Moreover, you’ll meet business coaches that are experts in the field. Experiences are shared, and you can also get answers to your questions. Getting invites to these events is simple. You will probably get a lot by following the content creators above. They are usually the organizers of these seminars and events.

Prepare more hypotheses

Nothing stops you from making more hypotheses while you test. It should be clear to you now that the campaign’s success depends on the effort dispensed. Meanwhile, you can also choose to prepare for the next test, which is the next on your hypotheses calendar.


While you wait for a test result, you can engage in these three activities to utilize your time efficiently. These three activities will give you more tips and valuable information about conversion rate optimization.

This is the penultimate article of the series. One more, and it’s the end. I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey so far.