Search queries like “best hair clinic in California” or “most hygienic restaurant in Texas” show people trust Google. And if they could trust this search engine to recommend a reliable hospital or fast food for matters that concern their health and well-being, they would seek any help from the platform. People would go there to seek professionals who can advise them about their business, finance, legal issues, and even marriage.

Therefore, professionals in the consultancy business must strive for Google recommendations. One of the ways to get this, perhaps the fastest, is to leverage the Google PPC campaign, usually referred to as Google Ads. Consultants can use this model to advertise their services and publicize discounts and promotions.

Google Ads helps businesses rank their landing pages on the top of Google SERPs for relevant searches. The business bids for keywords and then pay when researchers click on the link to their landing pages on search results. Pay-per-click for consultants has proven to be very effective and has helped many businesses to gain new clients. Yours can be the same when you do it the right way.

Do you have a PPC campaign already? Or you’re just planning to set up for your business. Whichever is the case, below are seven tips for running an outstanding Pay-per-click campaign for your consultancy business.

Update your keywords list with brand and broad type keywords

Bidding for the exact keywords your potential clients use in their search queries will help your brand attract new customers. These keywords are of two different types.

The brand type contains your business name, and it will help attract people who are aware of your business already. An example of that is “Premlall Consulting digital agency.” A returning and satisfied client of Premlall Consulting could use that search phrase to get a link to the business landing page.

The other type is the broad keywords. These phrases or words are generic and could be used by any brand in the same niche. For example, “affordable digital marketing agency.” This keyword could be the search term for businesses looking for a digital marketing consultant.

Moreover, choose more local keywords. These are phrases that include your area of coverage. It’s far easier to compete locally than internationally. Besides, a consultancy business cannot cover all locations of the world. For example, a digital agency could go for “SEO consultant in Newark.”

You can get these keywords using keyword research tools like SEMrush and Moz. The Google Keyword Planner is free, and you can get suggestions on the recommendation page of your Google ad admin panel.

Add new negative keywords

Keywords are considered negative when they are too generic and attract the wrong audience. These keywords won’t help the campaign and will bring about less conversion. In order to prevent this, you need to keep a list of them and add more regularly.

The good thing is that Google ads provide a space for this and will even recommend some. When you update the list, Google will ensure that your business is not ranked for irrelevant searches. And you’ll be able to acquire more clients and conversions.

Create custom audience

Audiences differ by profession. People seeking marriage counselling are different from those seeking marketing advice. For this reason, you must be specific in describing your audience so that your ads are only directed to potential clients.

You can craft a custom audience from your business buyer’s personas. However, if you don’t have one, you can create one by finding answers to the questions, who are your buyers? Do they fall in any age group? What traits do they share? And what problem keeps them awake at night?

Update bid strategy

When the goal is clear, the campaign becomes meaningful and purpose-driven. Your bid strategy is the campaign’s goal in the Google PPC campaign. Do you want maximum clicks or maximum conversions? Make sure you state your bid strategy so that Google will know what to prioritize and how to display your ads to meet your goals.

Choosing a goal is easier than it used to be. With machine learning integrated into the Google ads campaign, users can now get goal suggestions in the recommendation area. However, before you opt for the goal recommended, always ensure you seek professional help to verify if the suggestion is the right move for your business.

Use ad extensions

You can encourage more people to click on your ads by providing them with adequate information about your service at a glance. Let them know what they are getting even before entering your landing page. Aside from the basic requirements for ad setup, you can add more information using the extensions. There’s the location extension for including your office address. You can also use the app extensions to display your business app, provided you have one that could help potential clients to relate to your business better.

Craft the best conversion landing page

Never underestimate the power of a good landing page. It plays a significant role in convincing prospects to become clients. A well-crafted landing page should be clear, stunning, and direct. The text must be catchy, and all valuable points and offerings presented with bullets. Your call-to-action must encourage your visitors to make a move immediately. When all the parts are crafted correctly, you stand a chance to win more customers than your competitors.

Setup conversion tracking and measure metrics

While you’re making some changes and setting your campaign in the right direction, you’d also want to set up conversion tracking to measure performance. Regularly analyzing your metrics will help you discover what’s working and what’s not. You will be able to make necessary corrections, cut off excess expenses and focus on what’s working.


We hope you know there’s no need for you to go through all this stress. You can hire us to set up your Pay-per-click campaign. At Premlall Consulting we offer the best Google ads campaigns and have a team capable of the job. We have the right keywords to attract your perfect customers for all of your services. We can also help you develop a custom audience. And trust us, our copywriters are good at creating the most engaging copy.

Why not leave the job to the professionals? Contact us today, and we will convince you that Google could make you the most sought consultant in your niche.